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If you log in to your account, you'll be able to complete the form faster.


If you don't have an account, you can to save information for faster form completion. You'll also be able to easily track the progress of the applications and requests.

What is the location of the vehicle?

1. Find the location using the map or by entering an address to zoom in.

2. Select the general area your issue is located. The areas we manage are highlighted in green.

3. Follow the instructions on the map to continue.

If you have issues with selecting an area on the map, call Customer Service on 02 9265 9333

The location you entered is managed by a different authority

We can only attend to matters managed by the City of Sydney.

What you need to do

You may need to make your request to another authority. 

Some areas managed by other agencies

Would you like us to update you on the progress of this report?

What will I be updated on?

We will only send notifications to update you on the progress of your request or application. For example, to confirm that an action has been taken, or that your request has been completed.

How would you like to be contacted?

Select all that apply

Your details

Given name

Given name (optional)

Family name

Family name (optional)

Email address (optional)

Phone number (optional)

Vehicle details

State vehicle is registered in (if known)

Registration number (if known)

Vehicle make (if known)

Vehicle model (if known)

Vehicle colour (if known)

Which type of incident are you reporting?

Is the vehicle blocking public access, or a hazard/risk to the public?

What is a hazard/risk?

Hazards and risks include vehicles parked in no stopping zones, bus lanes or work zones. This includes vehicles parked too close to an intersection or vehicles obstructing access to driveways or footpaths

Describe what you would like to report

Describe the items and include nearest address or landmark

0/2000 characters

Description tip

Explain why you're reporting this to us.


Upload photos (optional)


We can only accept 5 photos maximum, limited to 20MB each.

    There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

    You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

    Photography tip

    To support your report to us, capture the vehicle with any relevant landmarks, parking or road signs, or road markings.

    Privacy Protection Notice

    Please carefully read the following

    By continuing you are providing consent to this notice.

    Purpose of Collection

    This information is being collected for the purpose of investigating issues reported on this form.

    Intended recipients

    City of Sydney employees and City of Sydney contractors are the intended recipients.


    The supply of this information is voluntary. If you are unwilling to provide this information, the City of Sydney may be unable to provide access to City of Sydney services.


    Please contact Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 or at [email protected] to access or correct your personal information.


    The Customer Service Unit at the City of Sydney, located at 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, is collecting this information and the City of Sydney will store it securely.

    Other uses

    The City of Sydney will use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected and may use it as is necessary for the exercise of other functions.

    For further details on how the City of Sydney manages personal information, please refer to our Privacy Management Plan.

    Check Your Answers

    Please check


    Additional details (optional)

    0 / 2000 characters

    I agree that my report, including my contact details, may be referred to another public sector agency or other third party, where necessary, to deal with the issues in my report. (optional)