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User info

What does your report relate to?

What type of surface is the graffiti on?


On parking meters, parks, street furniture, other public surfaces

Road or footpath

Pavements, paths, roads, bike lanes, drains, pit lids, kerb, stairs, line markings, pylons

Stormwater drainage

Stormwater drains, pits, pipes, flooded areas and water leakage

Public tree

Street and park trees


Wayfinding, advertising, street signs

Garden beds, grass and weeds


Street and park lights

Sports facility or playground

Playground, skate and fitness equipment

Street furniture

Bus shelters, bicycle racks or pumps, bubblers, seats, kiosks, barbecues

Council bin or ashtray

Litter bins, recycling bins, ashtrays

Water feature

Ponds, lakes, water features

Public toilet

Automatic toilets, park toilets, council building toilets

Art, mural, monument

Installations, memorials, monuments, mosaics, murals and street art


Anything not covered by the previous categories

Help us to identify the issue

Take and upload a photo of the issue you’re reporting to help our team more accurately identify the problem and help resolve it.

What type of graffiti?

What type of surface is the graffiti on?

Private property


Wayfinding, advertising, street signs

Street furniture

Bus shelters, bicycle racks or pumps, bubblers, seats, kiosks, barbecues

Road or footpath

Pavements, paths, roads, bike lanes, drains, pit lids, kerb, stairs, line markings, pylons


Street and park lights

Art, mural, monument

Installations, memorials, monuments, mosaics, murals and street art

Sports facility or playground

Playground, skate and fitness equipment

Parking meter

Council bin or ashtray

Litter bins, recycling bins, ashtrays

Public toilet

Automatic toilets, park toilets, council building toilets

Water feature

Ponds, lakes, water features

General graffiti

What type of street furniture?

Bus shelter

Bicycle rack or pump


Drinking fountain or bubbler



Other street furniture

What type of stormwater drainage issue?

Clean stormwater gutter

When a build-up of materials restricts the flow of stormwater in the gutter

Flooding on road or footway

Excessive water pooled or flooding after a rain events

Water leakage

Water leaking from taps and bubbler, other issues should be referred to the authority such as Sydney Water for resolution

Other stormwater drainage issue

Including dropped items in the drain

What type of road or footpath?


Stone or gutter

Pavement or path

Road or bicycle lane

Other type of road or footpath

What type of garden feature?

Garden bed



What type of sign?

Advertising sign

Communications pylon

Signs and sign poles

What type of sports  facility or playground?


Skate park

Sports facility

What we can remove on private property

Graffiti that is visible from the Council-owned footpath, is within 3 metres of the Council-owned footpath and is no higher than 3 metres from ground level.

What is the meter ID number?

What is the meter ID number?

Enter number (optional)

Where is the meter ID number?

This can be found on the parking rates card, next to the faults line telephone number

Where is the asset located?

  1. Find the location using the map or by entering an address to zoom in.
  2. Select from the private property highlighted in green.
  3. Follow the instructions on the map to continue
  1. Find the location using the map or by entering an address to zoom in.
  2. Select the asset (marked in blue).
  3. Follow the instructions on the map to continue.
* We continually update our data and there may be a lag in displaying assets on the map 
  1. Find the location using the map or by entering an address to zoom in.
  2. Select the asset (marked in blue) or if it's not displayed*, choose the general area your issue is located. The areas we manage are highlighted in green.
  3. Follow the instructions on the map to continue.
* We continually update our data and there may be a lag in displaying assets on the map 

If the issue relates to multiple trees, you can select the general location and later describe or upload photos of the affected trees. A report for each tree is not required.

If you have issues with selecting an area on the map, call Customer Service on 02 9265 9333

Help us to locate the issue

Take and upload a photo of the issue you’re reporting, along with the surrounding environment, to help our team locate it more accurately. Addition of a photo of the closest address or cross street can help.

The location you entered is not in the City of Sydney local area

We can only attend to matters in our local area.

What you need to do

You may need to contact a different council. 

The location you entered is managed by a different authority

We can only attend to matters managed by City of Sydney.

What you need to do

You may need to make your request to another authority. 

Would you like to be updated on the progress of this report?

What will I be updated on?

We will only send notifications to update you on the progress of your request or application. For example, to confirm we have received your request, that we are taking action, that we require additional information or if we were unable to complete your request.

How would you like to be contacted?

Select all that apply

Your details

Given name (optional)

Given name

Family name (optional)

Family name

Email address (optional)

Phone number (optional)

What would you like done?


Select this option if the issue is restricting flow into the drain e.g. build up leaves, material or rubbish on a drainage grate or hard surfaces


Select this option if the above does not apply

What would you like done?

What would you like done?

What needs cleaning?

Select all that apply

Litter and debris

Includes leaf litter

Dirty unclean surface

Broken glass


Hazardous fluids

e.g. vomit, paint

Stormwater blockage

Other cleanup

Help us to identify the issue

Attaching photos of the issue you’re reporting allows our team to more accurately identify the problem and help resolve it.

What type of graffiti is it?

0/2000 characters

Is the graffiti hateful or offensive? 

Is the bill poster hateful or offensive? 

0/2000 characters

What do we mean by offensive?

Offensive includes images or text that contain explicit language or is racist, sexist, misogynistic, derogatory, Anti LGBTIQ, or Anti religion.

Why are you recommending this for removal?

What is the reason for maintaining or pruning the tree?

Select all that apply

About pruning

Street trees will not be pruned to

  • allow or improve a view (including advertising signage)
  • reduce fruit fall, leaf fall, sap drop or similar
  • increase solar access or street lighting onto private property
  • reduce the impact of bird, bat or other animal waste or noise.

Is this issue blocking public access, or a hazard/risk to the public?

What is a hazard/risk?

  • Members of the public could:
    • injure themselves
    • trip, slip or fall
  • There is a risk of fire or it is emitting fumes
  • A fire escape, road or footpath is blocked
  • Traffic or access is impacted

Describe what you would like done and why

Provide a description, please be as specific as possible

Provide a description, please be as specific as possible (optional)

0/1500 characters

Description tip

Explain the reasons why you are making your request.


Upload photos (optional)

Help us to identify the issue

Attaching photos of the issue you’re reporting allows our team to more accurately identify the problem and help resolve it.

We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

    There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

    You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

    Photography tip

    Capture the issue in detail, as well as the surrounding environment to help locate the incident.

    Privacy Protection Notice

    Please carefully read the following

    By continuing you are providing consent to this notice.

    Purpose of Collection

    This information is being collected for the purpose of investigating issues reported on this form.

    Intended recipients

    City of Sydney employees and City of Sydney contractors are the intended recipients.


    The supply of this information is voluntary. If you are unwilling to provide this information, the City of Sydney may be unable to provide access to City of Sydney services.


    Please contact Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 or at [email protected] to access or correct your personal information.


    The Customer Service Unit at the City of Sydney, located at 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, is collecting this information and the City of Sydney will store it securely.

    Other uses

    The City of Sydney will use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected and may use it as is necessary for the exercise of other functions.

    For further details on how the City of Sydney manages personal information, please refer to our Privacy Management Plan.

    Check your answers

    Please check


    Additional details (optional)

    0 / 2000 characters