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If you log in to your account, you'll be able to complete the form faster.


If you don't have an account, you can to save information for faster form completion. You'll also be able to easily track the progress of the applications and requests.

User info

What is your request about?


For example, development applications, planners' reports, consents and plans, property history


Please complete one request for each property.


For example, information that may be relevant to the causes of an injury to a person that has occurred on land the City is responsible for. 

General records

For example, photographs, local history material, infrastructure maintenance records.

What type of property information?

To access information from 2004 onwards, first use Find a DA.

What infrastructure is relevant to the injury?

Select all that apply

0/2000 characters

Where is the property located?

Can't find your address?

If the address you are entering doesn't appear in the list of auto-suggestions, it may be because it's outside of the current City of Sydney area or no longer recognised as that address.


If you believe we hold records for the address, type the address carefully in the Address box.


The address you entered is not recognised

What you need to do

If you believe the City of Sydney holds records for the address you provided, because it is an historical address or for a property that is no longer in the local area, then please provide the address by clicking the button below.


If the address is a current address it may be outside of the local area and you may need to contact a different council which you can find below.

Where did the injury occur?

Find the location on a map

Enter the nearest address

1. Find the location using the map or by entering an address to zoom in.

2. Click on the spot where the injury occurred.

3. Follow the instructions on the map to continue.

The location you entered is not in the City of Sydney local area

We can only attend to matters in our local area.

What you need to do

You may need to contact a different council. 

Please enter the full property address again

Please enter the closest address to where the injury occurred


What is the development application number?

If you know the DA number, please provide it if it is relevant to your request. For multiple DA numbers, add them to the same field below.

DA number (optional)

Your details

Company name (optional)

Phone number (optional)

Postal address (optional)

What is the date range for the records you are requesting?

Current or most recent information only

I'm not sure

Select by date

Provide a specific date or year range for the records you are requesting. 

What is the date range for the records you are requesting?

Provide a specific date or year range for the records you are requesting.


Date range (optional)

What are the documents you would like to access?

Have you tried this first?

Try Find a DA for records from 2004 onwards. For older records try the Archives & History Resources catalogue.

Select all that apply

0/2000 characters

What are the documents you would like to access?

Select all that apply

Provide a description, please be brief and specific

0/2000 characters

When did the injury occur?

Date and time of the injury (Please be as specific as possible)

What is the name of the injured person?

Given name (optional)

Family name (optional)

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your request?

Describe the information you require

If the information you request contains other people's personal information we will generally redact it before releasing the rest of the information.

Information you require

Please be as specific as possible

Please be as specific as possible (description is optional)

0 / 2000 characters

Note regarding the information you require

Please be as specific as possible in describing the information you need. This will help in identifying the relevant subject matter experts and help them find what information there may be as efficiently as possible.

Upload supporting documentation

File uploads are optional.


Upload documents that support your request such as additional details or permissions (for example, letter of authority if acting on behalf of someone else, copyright owner's consent etc.) Please do NOT upload copies of ID documents.


We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

    There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

    You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

    Privacy Protection Notice

    Please carefully read the following

    By continuing you are providing consent to this notice.

    Purpose of Collection

    The information is being collected in order to respond to your request for City records.

    Intended recipients

    City of Sydney employees and any approved contractors required to provide this service.


    The supply of this information is voluntary. If you are unwilling to provide this information, the City of Sydney may be unable to provide access to City of Sydney services.


    Please contact Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 or at [email protected] to access or correct your personal information.


    The Customer Service Unit at the City of Sydney, located at 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, is collecting this information and the City of Sydney will store it securely.

    Other uses

    The City of Sydney will use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected and may use it as is necessary for the exercise of other functions.

    For further details on how the City of Sydney manages personal information, please refer to our Privacy Management Plan.

    Check your answers

    Please check


    Additional details (optional)

    0 / 2000 characters