Log in or continue as a guest?

If you log in to your account, you'll be able to complete the form faster.


If you don't have an account, you can to save information for faster form completion. You'll also be able to easily track the progress of the applications and requests.

User info

What is the residential address?

You will need to later provide proof of residence.


Can't find your address?

The address must be a street address, not the name of a property.

Title 2


Parking permits in this area are managed by Place Management NSW. 

The Rocks area east of Bradfield Highway is under the control of Place Management NSW.

To apply for a parking permit for Area 1, visit Place Management NSW

The address you entered is not in the City of Sydney local area

Parking permits are only available to local residents.

What you need to do

You may need to contact a different council. 

We don't issue parking permits for this address

This area is managed by another authority.

The location you entered is not a residential rated address

We can only issue the requested permit for residential addresses.

What you need to do

If your vehicle is registered to a business at this address you can apply for a business parking permit.

We cannot issue parking permits for this property or area

Some properties and areas of the city are not eligible for residential parking permits. This limits traffic congestion from new developments and protects on-street parking from excessive demand.


It also ensures new housing is affordable and sustainable, and provides more housing choices for households that don't need a vehicle.

We cannot issue parking parking permits for this property or area

Some properties and areas of the city are not eligible for residential parking permits. This limits traffic congestion from new developments and protects on-street parking from excessive demand.


It also ensures new housing is affordable and sustainable, and provides more housing choices for households that don't need a vehicle.

How many onsite car spaces are available at this address?

What is onsite parking?

When we assess if onsite parking exists, we consider:

  • accessibility by a vehicle
  • if a garage door or roller door is present
  • if a carport or garage structure is present
  • if a kerb ramp for vehicles exists
  • evidence the space is used for parking
  • any approved or registered plans

Onsite parking is defined under Australian Standard 2890.1

In the past 12 months, have you become the new owner or started renting the property?

Residential parking permits are not available for this address

What you can do

See below for details about why there are no parking permits available.


If you believe the information is incorrect, contact us.

If you would like to apply for visitor parking permits, your available limit is displayed below.

Residential parking permits

No permits available

2 or more onsite parking spaces

Visitor parking permits

20 permits available

How residential parking permit eligibility is calculated

Households in this area (zone B) can apply for up to 2 residential permits each year. If you have one off-street parking space, you're only eligible for one residential permit.

How residential parking permit eligibility is calculated

Households in this area (zone A) can apply for 1 residential permit each year if off-street parking is not available.



How visitor parking permit eligibility is calculated

Households in this area (zone B) can apply for up to 60 visitor permits each calendar year. If you have one residential permit, you're only eligible for 40 visitor permits, and with 2 residential permits you're only eligible for 20 visitor permits.

How visitor parking permit eligibility is calculated

Households in this area (zone A) can apply for up to 40 visitor permits each calendar year. If you have one residential permit, you're only eligible for 30 visitor permits, and with 2 residential permits you're only eligible for 10 visitor permits.

How many residential parking permits are you applying for?

What is the registration number of the vehicle parked onsite?

The vehicle must be registered to your residential address.
You will need to upload the registration certification later in this application.


Registration number

What is onsite parking?

When we assess if onsite parking exists, we consider:

  • accessibility by a vehicle
  • if a garage door or roller door is present
  • if a carport or garage structure is present
  • if a kerb ramp for vehicles exists
  • evidence the space is used for parking
  • any approved or registered plans.

Onsite parking is defined under Australian Standard 2890.1.

Title 2


Vehicle details for this parking permit

The vehicle must be registered in the permit holder’s name and to their residential address, unless it’s a company car. You will need to upload the registration certification later in the application.

For interstate vehicles you will be issued with a 3 month temporary parking permit. For a 12 month permit you will need to register your car in NSW before applying.

Enter variant manually

For interstate vehicles you will be issued with a 3 month temporary parking permit. For a 12 month permit you will need to register your car in NSW before applying.

Enter variant manually

For interstate vehicles you will be issued with a 3 month temporary parking permit. For a 12 month permit you will need to register your car in NSW before applying.

Enter variant manually

Why must I provide this?

These details are used to determine your green vehicle rating, which affects how your parking permit fee is calculated.



Title 2


What is my vehicle variant?

Your vehicle variant is listed on your vehicle registration next to year, make and model. 

Do you receive pensioner concessions?

You will need to upload a copy/photo of a valid concession card issued by Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs

Provide an answer for each vehicle owner

You will need to upload a copy/photo of a valid concession card issued by Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs.



You will need to upload a copy/photo of a valid concession card issued by Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Would you like to apply for visitor parking permits?

How many visitor permits would
you like to apply for?

Number of permits

How visitor parking permit eligibility is calculated

Households in this area (zone A) can apply for up to 40 visitor permits each calendar year. If you have one residential permit, you're only eligible for 30 visitor permits, and with 2 residential permits you're only eligible for 10 visitor permits.

Title 2


How visitor parking permit eligibility is calculated

Households in this area (zone B) can apply for up to 60 visitor permits each calendar year. If you have one residential permit, you're only eligible for 40 visitor permits, and with 2 residential permits you're only eligible for 20 visitor permits.

Title 2


Estimated time and cost

Based on your answers, if you choose to pay online you can receive the parking permit/s by post in about 5 working days from submission. We’ll also email an interim parking permit PDF immediately after payment that can be printed and displayed on the vehicle dashboard until the permit is delivered.


Based on your answers, your application will take about 5 working days to review and respond.


Based on your answers, your application will take about 5 working days to review and respond.


Based on your answers, your application will take about 5 working days to review and respond. We will provide you with the exact cost at this time. 


This application is estimated to cost the following:

Parking permit fees

Residential parking permit

1st residential parking permit

2nd residential parking permit

Visitor parking permits

Your details

Would you like to also receive updates by SMS?

What will I be updated on?

We will only send notifications to update you on the progress of your request or application. For example, to confirm that an action has been taken, or that your request has been completed.

Title 2


Vehicle owner details

Later in the application process you will need to upload a letter from the company confirming your employment and stating your home address. The letter also needs to state you have full use of the vehicle.

Permit holder’s relationship to residential address:

Vehicle owner details

Later in the application process you will need to upload a letter from the company confirming your employment and stating your home address. The letter also needs to state you have full use of the vehicle.

Permit holder’s relationship to residential address:

Vehicle owner details

Later in the application process you will need to upload a letter from the company confirming your employment and stating your home address. The letter also needs to state you have full use of the vehicle.

Permit holder’s relationship to residential address:

Provide proof of residence

We require 2 documents as proof of residence.


The document must show the resident's name and residential address.


If you receive a City of Sydney rates notice, you can choose this as a document type.


By selecting your rates notice as proof of residence, you consent to the City of Sydney using the name and address in your rates notice to verify your name and address for this parking permit application.

We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

 Document 1

Type of document

    There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

    You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

     Document 2

    Type of document

      There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

      You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

       Document 1

      Type of document

        There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

        You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

         Document 2

        Type of document

          There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

          You cannot upload more than 5 attachments, limited to 20MB each.

          Company letter

          The letter must state the resident’s home address confirming that they are a company employee and have full use of the vehicle.

          We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

            There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

            We can only accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

              There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

              We can only accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

              Vehicle registration certificate

              • The certificate must be issued by Service NSW. We will also accept a screenshot of the registration details online provided the vehicle details, expiry date and residential address are shown.
              • The vehicle must be registered in the name and residential address of the resident.

              We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

                There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

                We can accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

                  There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

                  We can only accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

                  Onsite vehicle registration certificate

                  • The certificate must be issued by Service NSW. We will also accept a screenshot of the registration details online provided the vehicle details, expiry date and residential address are shown.
                  • The vehicle must be registered in the name and residential address of the resident.

                  We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

                    There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

                    We can only accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

                    Proof of pensioner concession

                    Upload a copy/photo of a current pensioner concession card issued by Centrelink or a current Department of Veterans' Affairs concession card.

                    We can only accept 5 files maximum, limited to 20MB each.

                      There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

                      We can only accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

                        There are duplicate files attached. Please remove any duplicates before continuing. If you are on an iOS device, you can add multiple photos by selecting them from the Photo Library.

                        We can only accept a maximum of 5 files, limited to 20MB each.

                        How would you like to pay for your parking permit/s?

                        If you pay online, we will email you an interim parking permit (PDF) to print and display on the vehicle dashboard until you receive the official permit/s.

                        How would you like to receive your parking permit/s?

                        If you select by post, your permit/s will take around 5 working days to be delivered. We will email you an interim parking permit (PDF) to print and display on the vehicle dashboard until you receive the official permit/s.

                        Where will you collect your parking permit/s from?

                        Kings Cross neighbourhood service centre

                        • 50-52 Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point 2011
                        • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Glebe neighbourhood service centre

                        • 186 Glebe Point Road (Corner Wigram Road), Glebe 2037
                        • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Green Square neighbourhood service centre

                        • 355 Botany Road (Located downstairs in Green Square Library), Zetland 2017
                        • Opening hours: Wednesday 10am to 4:30pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Town Hall customer service centre

                        • Town Hall House Level 2, 456 Kent Street, Sydney 2000
                        • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Kings Cross neighbourhood service centre

                        • 50-52 Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point 2011
                        • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Glebe neighbourhood service centre

                        • 186 Glebe Point Road (Corner Wigram Road), Glebe 2037
                        • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Green Square neighbourhood service centre

                        • 355 Botany Road (Located downstairs in Green Square Library), Zetland 2017
                        • Opening hours: Wednesday 10am to 4:30pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        Town Hall customer service centre

                        • Town Hall House Level 2, 456 Kent Street, Sydney 2000
                        • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
                          Closed public holidays

                        For collection at Town Hall concierge, you will need to make your payment online

                        Applicant declaration

                        I, firstName lastName have read, understand and agree to follow the City of Sydney’s Neighbourhood Parking Policy, as published on the City of Sydney’s website and updated from time to time.

                        I acknowledge that failing to comply with the Neighbourhood Parking Policy may result in my parking permit(s) being cancelled and my eligibility for parking permits being revoked for up to 2 years.

                        I have read, understand and agree to follow the City of Sydney’s Neighbourhood Parking Policy, as published on the City of Sydney’s website and updated from time to time.

                        I acknowledge that failing to comply with the Neighbourhood Parking Policy may result in my parking permit(s) being cancelled and my eligibility for parking permits being revoked for up to 2 years.

                        To clear your signature, hover over the box and click theSVG Icon in the top left corner.

                        By electronically signing here, I acknowledge that this is confirmation of my identity and evidence of my electronic signature in accordance with the [Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (NSW)] or [Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth)].

                        Privacy Protection Notice

                        Please carefully read the following

                        By continuing you are providing consent to this notice.

                        Purpose of Collection
                        This information is being collected for the purpose of issuing parking permits and for road and traffic management in the Council area. 

                        Intended recipients
                        City of Sydney employees and any approved contractors required to provide this service.

                        The supply of this information is voluntary. If you are unwilling to provide this information, the City of Sydney may be unable to provide access to City of Sydney services.

                        Please contact Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 or at [email protected] to access or correct your personal information.

                        The Customer Service Unit at the City of Sydney, located at 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, is collecting this information and the City of Sydney will store it securely.

                        Other uses
                        The City of Sydney will use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected and may use it as is necessary for the exercise of other functions.

                        For further details on how the City of Sydney manages personal information, please refer to our Privacy Management Plan

                        Purpose of Collection
                        This information is being collected for the purpose of issuing parking permits and for road and traffic management in the Council area. 

                        Intended recipients
                        City of Sydney employees and any approved contractors required to provide this service.

                        The supply of this information is voluntary. If you are unwilling to provide this information, the City of Sydney may be unable to provide access to City of Sydney services.

                        Please contact Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 or at [email protected] to access or correct your personal information.

                        The Customer Service Unit at the City of Sydney, located at 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, is collecting this information and the City of Sydney will store it securely.

                        Other uses
                        The City of Sydney will use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected and may use it as is necessary for the exercise of other functions.

                        For further details on how the City of Sydney manages personal information, please refer to our Privacy Management Plan

                        Check Your Answers

                        Please check


                        Additional details (optional)

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