Log in or continue as a guest?

If you log in to your account, you'll be able to complete the form faster.


If you don't have an account, you can to save information for faster form completion. You'll also be able to easily track the progress of the applications and requests.

What is your residential address?

Can't find your address?

The address must be a street address, not the name of a property.


If your address does not appear it might be an apartment building or a business rated address.

Existing requests

If what you would like to request is listed below, then it is not necessary to make another request.


Request to repair or replace a bin

Booking Address


Collection Date

Submit Date

Bin Type

Item status

Last updated $date

Your details

How would you like to receive updates on this request?

Select all that apply

What will I be updated on?

We will only send notifications to update you on the progress of your request or application. For example, to confirm we have received your request, that we are taking action, that we require additional information or if we were unable to complete your request.

Bin request details

What is the size of my bin?

You can find the size of your existing bin under the lid on the rim of the bin.

Estimated delivery or repair date

Your bin delivery or repair is scheduled for deliveryPromiseDate between 6am and 8pm.

If your bin isn't replaced, removed, or repaired on the scheduled date, please leave it out and we will complete your request on the next business day.

If applicable, please ensure your bin is out and has a note attached to help us identify it.


Please note, if the scheduled day is on a public holiday, your delivery or repair will be on the next business day.

Describe your request

Describe any additional information about the bins

Please be as specific as possible in describing what you would like done and to which bins

0/ 2000 characters

Your property has a unique arrangement with rubbish bins. To help us action your request, please explain clearly what you need us to do.

Describe any additional information about the bins

Describe any additional information about the bins

Please be as specific as possible

0/ 2000 characters

This will help us ensure your request will be successfully carried out.

Where do you place your bins for waste collection?

Select the region where you normally put out your bins.

This will help us to find the bins or leave the new bins as per your request.

Privacy Protection Notice

Please carefully read the following

By continuing you are providing consent to this notice.

Purpose of Collection

This information is being collected for the purpose of delivering waste and recycling services as reported on this form.

Intended recipients

City of Sydney employees and City of Sydney contractors are the intended recipients.


The supply of this information is voluntary. If you are unwilling to provide this information, the City of Sydney may be unable to provide access to City of Sydney services.


Please contact Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 or at council@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au to access or correct your personal information.


The Customer Service Unit at the City of Sydney, located at 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, is collecting this information and the City of Sydney will store it securely.

Other uses

The City of Sydney will use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected and may use it as is necessary for the exercise of other functions.

For further details on how the City of Sydney manages personal information, please refer to our Privacy Management Plan.

Check your answers

What you need to do

Please review the details of your booking and select ‘edit’ to make any changes.

Please check

Request location

What is your residential address?
Not provided

Contact details

Given name
Missing information
Family name
Missing information
Phone number
Missing information
How would you like to receive updates on this request?
Not provided

Bin request

Which bin is your request for?
Missing information

Additional information

Estimated collection date
Not provided

Request details

Describe your request
Not provided
Describe any additional information about the bins
Not provided
Where do you place your bins for waste collection?

Additional details (optional)

0/ 2000 characters

I have read and agree to abide by the City of Sydney’s Waste - local approvals policy: https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policies/waste-policy.